While most of us are aware of the dangers the Earth is facing and the probable consequences, and in the near future, we do not necessarily get the time or resources to do anything about it. We decide to change our lives to be more eco-friendly, but realize that it is not easy at all. We plan to walk to work, realize that it is rainy or very sunny outside, and take the car instead. We go for grocery shopping only to realize that our reusable bags are at home and we need to buy some again.
Our lives are usually so busy that we hardly get time to sit back and reflect on ourselves, let alone the small decisions we take daily. Truth is, it doesn’t matter if you slip a few times. It is the times that you remember and make conscious decisions that truly impact the ecosystem. As the saying goes – small drops of water make an ocean. So, do not get demotivated if you forget your bag at home once in a while. Stay focused on the goal, and play your part in saving your planet.

There are many ways by which you can start being an environmentalist. Make small changes to your lifestyle so you can gradually become the earth-friendly person you aspire to be. This is more than just being vegan; you can go green in a large number of ways such as –
Plant Trees
You can work in a company that performs large-scale plantations, or volunteer with an NGO that aims at protecting wildlife ecosystems such as Tentree, Conservation International, the Nature Conservancy, or the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). This would be a direct way of helping the Earth heal from the toxic atmosphere generated by humans.
Use Eco-Friendly Modes of Transportation
Yes, traveling by car is way more convenient than biking. Think about it – you have to get groceries from a shop that is two blocks away. Do you really need the car? Biking is an amazing way to get some exercise and maintain fitness while generating zero fuel emissions. Walking is also a great alternative. If possible, you can exchange your old, smoke-emitting car to an electric-powered car such as those from Tesla. They are as efficient as any other car, require a small amount of electric charge, and have zero emissions.
This is a very easy way to go green. All you have to do is choose products with recyclable plastics whenever you purchase anything from the supermarket. Sort them while disposing and let your municipality recycle the plastic instead of stuffing them in landfills.
Reduce Wastage
Things that cannot be recycled can be reused. Glass jars can be reused for storage, boxes can be used for compartmentalizing and organization of your things, and paper can be used for absorbing moisture while gardening. You can greatly reduce waste by carrying your own carry-bags every time while shopping. You can carry a foldable one in your purse always for the times when you suddenly decide to buy something for dinner on your way home.
Buy Locally Produced Goods
When you buy goods sourced from your local farms, you are helping them sustain their lands which might otherwise be converted for residential or industrial purposes. Local farming also helps maintain the ecosystem and greenery around your locality. By purchasing from these farmers, you are discouraging outsourced products hence cutting down on the emissions that are generated during their transportation. You can also try herbal treatments for minor ailments sourced from nature-protecting companies such as Melaleuca.
Practice Conscious Consumerism
Conscious consumerism is when a consumer chooses products that aid in the improvement of the earth, such as locally-sourced produce, clothes made from natural substances, ethically produced cosmetics, and fair-trade goods; all with an aim to support businesses that do not have a harmful impact on the environment.
Choose Minimalism
Most things in our household are ones that we can live without. They might add to the aesthetic appeal of your home, but in the long run, they might not be very useful. Instead of purchasing lots of clothes on a whim just for momentary satisfaction, you can choose to be minimalistic and obtain that happiness by spending time with your loved ones. This will not only be beneficial to the environment by reducing the waste you generate but will also help you save a lot of money in the long run. Instead of spending your hard-earned money in wasteful materialistic pleasures, you can donate it to organizations that perform environmentalist operations that actually need the money and will use it directly in their daily earth-saving work.
Remember Japanese organizing consultant Marie Kondo and her minimalist approach to clutter? Just hold on to things that “spark joy”!
Save Energy
This is an obvious method when it comes to environmental conservation. Use compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) instead of regular lights, turn your electronic devices off when not in use or if not needed, use eco-friendly air conditioners, and change your heating and cooling systems to individual rooms instead of one centralized setting. Household energy is mostly sourced from non-renewable sources such as carbon and nuclear energy which are quite damaging to the planet. Saving electricity also benefits you directly by reducing your energy costs.
Reduce Meat Consumption
It is a well-known fact that the meat industry is the largest producer of greenhouse gas emissions. Animal farming also uses a lot of water and pasture. This causes every meat-eater to have a significant carbon footprint and is the reason behind the drastic increase in the vegan population in all parts of the world. You do not necessarily have to go completely vegan. Start by having only vegetarian or vegan food for just one day of the week. You can completely convert if it suits you but if it doesn’t, don’t worry. As we say, take small steps at a time. Try sourcing your meat from local butchers instead of large-scale processed ones as these have less or no additives and support local businesses.
These ways might seem difficult at first; you might also doubt if you are making any difference in the earth’s health at all, but remember – small steps on the way to success are better than none at all. It is completely okay if you cannot do some of them. Encourage and congratulate yourself on every little effort you put in for the welfare of our environment.
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